Hello all.

(picture of me emerging from my dark ocean of solitude onto a piece of driftwood which I think may represent my mother or possibly a piece of driftwood)
Its been a while. I've missed you, and I've missed my little bloggy blog. I have been in, how do you call in dis countree - "a funk" - which is a word artists of every kind use to describe the times in our lives/careers when dangit, we just don't have anything funny or inspirational to say, or, dare I say, we have stopped being depressed and contemplative losing touch with the very source of our creativity; that being, of course, our inner melodramatic angst and deep deep deeeeepp deeeeeeeeeep emotional suffering. Haa haa...all of you out there who are artists, forgive my trite explanation of our most afeared disposition.
Some of my friends have felt extreme disappointment over my neglect of LbOAWP, as they have come to depend on it as a portal straight into the very depths of my mind, a place where I am read like a book, a very easy book, like maybe Reader's Digest or Fun With Dick and Jane, or somewhere in the middle of the two.
Sadly, outside of my blogging, I am but a silent shroud of a woman, almost like a ghost, a friendly ghost with freckles, constantly wearing my beloved black hoodie with the letter "A" stuck on the front, looking as though it has been "bejeweled" directly over the left side of my chest by my overly-supportive grandmother who watched one too many infomercials about the crazy machine and gave into the sparkly lady with the big hair and the froufy cat named Sapphire with "bejeweled" tail fur...after which she was like "what the hec am I going to do with this" and then got to the business of embroidering my shirts against my will. That's actually not true, but its fun to think about, eh?
You see, when it comes to the hoodie, the black says, "I am deep" the faux jewel-embroidered 'A' says "I bought this on sale from Mariposa two years ago with my sister-in-law who's name starts with an E even though we couldn't find a matching jewel-embroidered 'E' hoodie for her after which she did the responsible thing and bought a pair of socks". I think...maybe.
I have a colleague at work whose name starts with an L, and she has one too. We constantly have to call each other in the morning to make sure we aren't wearing the same hoodie (aside from the whole L vs A thing). I thought we should probably make up a schedule, for fairness' sake, and thus it has been decided that I get to wear my hoodie whenever I want, and my colleague gets to deal with it. What can I say, schedules solve problems.
Okay, back to business. I have returned home to blogging land, and I know that you and the millions of others who read my blog will be breathing a sigh of relief, taking off your sackcloth and ashes, and opening your blinds and windows to once again take a glimpse of the sun. I do this for you because I love you and because, as a Canadian wannabe writer, I must continue to be unabashedly self promoting. :)
Stay tuned for some more of the good stuff!
1 comment:
Thanks for writing this.
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