This morning at work, after I filled up my favorite neon-green mug covered in pink flowers with fresh filtered water, sat down in my computer chair, and opened up the big picture window behind me to let in the cold, rain-spiced morning air, I was surprised to see an old friend of mine show up at the door, enter the room, and pull up a chair beside me. Her name is Gratefulness, my mom introduced me to her when I was a kid, and we have kept in contact for years now! I'm a little bad with remembering to invite her over, but like a true friend, she just shows up from time to time...I love it.
She and I always have such wonderful conversations. This morning we are catching up on the past few years, laughing about a few things that went wrong, fondly remembering people that have come and gone, babies that have been born, you know, all that good stuff. I love talking shop with her - she has this way of reminding me that my life is good, that there are people who love me, and that God has blessed me in so many ways, both big and small.
She encouraged me this morning to make the most of what I have...to play my piano...use my art room more often....take beautiful pictures and document the moments that mean something to me...read the books piled up on my bedstand that I've neglected for weeks...walk through the cherry blossoms on Gravely street to a produce stand on the Drive and pick out a perfect apple, or mango, or turnip....to be satisfied staying home tonight preparing a fresh meal for Chris and me to eat together...to thoroughly enjoy today, just because its here. She is wise, and her advice is sound.
Somehow, after every conversation we have, I can breathe easier. I stop worrying about what I lack, I stop trying to pass everybody ahead of me in the race, and I even stop running for heaven's sake. She reminds me of God's standing invitation to the lovely picnic under the willow tree by the still waters, just beyond the green pastures, which I constantly neglect to take him up on. Silly me.
Its good to have a friend like Gratefullness, and I'm glad she came by today...I've missed her lately. She brought me a present too, like she usually does - just handed it to me before she said goodbye. I knew what it was before I even opened it, because she leaves the same gift every time...its one of my favorite things in the whole wide world...its called Peace.