For the love of Crocs!!

Poem - WATER
I just wrote an e-mail about this so I'm going to just copy and paste it here to save myself re-writing the same thing.
Before I paste this in and just for a bit of background, I wrote this section of the email as a followup explanation to why I had requested no costumes that celebrate, endorse or exploit death and evil at our Halloween supper club...the rest is self explanatory.
So, just briefly, let me first say that I believe death is a natural part of life and not something to be afraid of. I also believe that the realization of the finite nature of our physical lives is necessary and humbling, even healthy, and that the recognition of evil and the existence of true darkness keeps us fighting and moves us out of apathy. Understanding both actually helps us value our lives more in many ways.
Now, what I don't like is the way our cultural Halloween presents death with fear mongering and evil with a mask, and seems to give the impression that "evil comes out to play" on a particular night and that it is easily recognizable. Truthfully, "evil" or whatever word you want to use for it (for you Universalists out there) is out to play already everywhere in the world, and it sure doesn't look the way people think it does on Halloween. Sure, ghosts, demons, witches, zombies and vampires look really scary and their main business is death, but that's just sensational and misleading. I don't know about you, but I've never personally had a run-in with a vampire that was unpleasant, and I haven't met any zombies in my lifetime, mean ones anyway. Maybe I just need to get out more.
I guess I have come to believe that true evil is not found in a scary mask or even in the thing it represents. No. True evil is plainly seen in the face of a starving child who no one is feeding, in the lives of people being oppressed and used with no one intervening for them, in relationships that are dying because of a lack of understanding and forgiveness, in the bruised and infected track marks of the men and women in our city living to inject themselves with chemicals and dying for the same reason...you get my point.
I want to continue to call evil what evil really is - the absence of the presence of God, the absence of love, the absence of life. So on Halloween, JUST LIKE ANY OTHER NIGHT, I think that we should CELEBRATE LIFE, celebrate each other, celebrate friendship, eat yummy food, and enjoy every good thing that we have!!! That's one of the best way to combat "evil" in my mind, just don't let it get the best of you!
That sums up my thoughts on Halloween.
Book recommendation - Eat Pray Love

To all of my fantastic, soul-searching, life-loving, sensory-aware, passion-driven, beauty-struck female friends (which is all of you!) - YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK!!
I have just started to RE-READ it because it is so beautiful.
This is a true story of a woman who travels through Italy, India and Indonesia in seach of some answers to her soul's deepest questions...and she actually gets some good ones!
Through this book, we enter this journey with her, and she makes it so much fun with her inviting writing style and sharp wit/humour. Its one of those stories that can actually make you laugh and cry throughout, maybe even on a page by page basis!!
So, if you are looking for a good read this weekend or over the Thanksgiving Holidays, this is the one, I guarantee it!
Give it a shot and tell me how it goes.
as if my life is an ornamental glass lamp
Consume less, ENJOY MORE!

The gift

Umbrella Etiquette - Rule No. 1 "Size Matters"
Umbrella Etiquette.
Please take some time to carefully absorb said Umbrella Etiquette, as I firmly believe it could one day save your life or the life of someone you have never met with a mullet walking on the sidewalk near you during a rain storm.
Exibit A: "Big Momma"
Okay, so immediately upon viewing this picture, one will turn their attention to the insanely-white coat that lady is mistakenly wearing after labour day - big no no. Please people, you know the rule, all you have to do is follow it.
I cannot believe the size of this umbrella, it's practically a weapon!! I mean, COME ON, have the meeting in the office guys, you know, on dry land, inside the building with coffee machines and swivel chairs?? All I can say is "you've been swindled!" - yes the umbrella salesman told you it would be a good way to incorporate fresh air and exercise into your daily office life, but have you no consideration for the lack of space provided on the average North American city sidewalk?? GOOD GRIEF!!! I'm having a mental breakdown here!!

Okay, so a bit of an exaggeration, but you get my point.
Anyway, now that I've gotten all that off my chest I will thus present you with RULE NO. 1:
Ponder that, soak it in, store it in your memory, then go out into the umbrella-crazy world and do your part to keep our streets safe!
Okay, all done.
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Stay tuned for more Umbrella Etiquette and remember today's lesson - SIZE MATTERS - was brought to you by the letter Q!
Stop funking around!

Its been a while. I've missed you, and I've missed my little bloggy blog. I have been in, how do you call in dis countree - "a funk" - which is a word artists of every kind use to describe the times in our lives/careers when dangit, we just don't have anything funny or inspirational to say, or, dare I say, we have stopped being depressed and contemplative losing touch with the very source of our creativity; that being, of course, our inner melodramatic angst and deep deep deeeeepp deeeeeeeeeep emotional suffering. Haa haa...all of you out there who are artists, forgive my trite explanation of our most afeared disposition.