Yesterday I drove past a store that specialized in toilet paper. There were big sign outside advertising "two for the price of one", "special family pack", "three-month supply guaranteed". This struck me as odd, and well, I'm still struck. To think about the research that went into that. I wonder if you could volunteer to be in a research group for toilet paper. "Um, yes, I'd like to be in your toilet paper research group, I'll count every sheet and get back to you in six weeks". And, what's all the fuss about toilet paper anyways? Its not like we're running out...
"or are we?"

Can you imagine if toilet paper was a precious commodity, like gas for instance. "Oh dang, the price of TP went up again - we better go to the 2 for 1 store and stock up!". Maybe in that situation I would go specifically to the toilet paper store, but until that day, I'm happy with the occasional stroll down the toilet paper isle at my local grocery store.
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