
The stethoscope says it all

Okay, so recently I came across quite an interesting phenomenon taking place here at St. Paul's Hospital, or shall I say, on the outskirts of the hospital, and that is that doctors are wearing their stethoscopes everywhere. Fashion statement? I think not.

My good friend, who will not be named here but who has lately had to tolerate a whole plethora of doctors, told me that she misses my blogging. I got to thinking about her and all the doctors, and then I got to thinking about doctors in general, and then I got to thinking about doctors who wear their stethoscopes outside of the hospital, i.e. at Starbucks or Sushi King, and it made me giggle and decide to blog about it.

I was contemplating these public displays of doctorness, and three reasons for previously said act came to mind:

1. The doctors were too busy to take off the stethoscope while making a mad dash from Grandma-with-bad-breast-fungus to non-fat-latte-with-shot-of-ginsing at Starbucks.

2. The doctors (male) are trying to pick up chicks with magical stethoscope of I-am-rich-smart-and-available and, I-know-more-about-your-private-bits-than-you-do.

3. The doctors (female) are asserting themselves as intelligent women in a male-dominated field with magic stethoscope of take-me-seriously-dangit! and, yes-I-am-too-good-for-you-so-don't-bother-asking-for-my-number.

Can't decide between the three to be honest...

Doctors of the world give ear...
If you have a legitimate explanation for why you parade around outside of the hospital with your stethoscopes on like its the newest thing to hit In Style magazine, please, post a comment and explain it to us.


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