I have a friend that I love very much. I was praying for her and some words started spilling out onto a page in my journal that felt very healing, not just for her, but for me. It's funny how God works like that - we are constantly reflecting truth onto each other and back to ourselves.
The words that came were these:
"...Sometimes giving yourself permission to accept NOT knowing who you are enables you to see clearly, with new eyes, to learn about yourself, find out what is really inside you. A season of befriending yourself, leaving the judgement, the criticism
aside, leaving room for a new voice, still and small to be heard. It's a loss
of control and security that eventually leads to a richness of self discovery
and new kinds of joy. Joy you need. Self you need. Be kind to this stranger,
and she will begins to unfold her secrets..."
There is something very powerful about those words. They hit me in that place way, way at down at the bottom of my well.
Permission to accept that you don't know yourself entirely, a sobering sense of having only seen the tip of the iceberg, not allowing that to be a fearful or unsettling realization.
Leaving the judgment and the criticism aside so you can start to receive truth.
Listening to what God is whispering in your ear; being led down new and exhilarating corridors of yourself, seeing doors to rooms you never knew existed, rooms you now have the opportunity to enter.
Creating space for joy and excitement to exist inside you once again.
Being kind to this stranger, even tender, until she feels safe enough to reveal her secrets, to show you more than just your 'potential' and what you will be, but perhaps what you have been all along.
Coming to understand that you were formed, specifically, on purpose - we cannot build, we can only build upon.
Take a deep breath in, fill my lungs, and breathe out.
It feels so much better seeing through this lens.
1 comment:
You are SO very talented in SO many ways. As I was reading I decided you should be a Christian writer, or any kind of writer that INSPIRES others.
Your soul is unique.
I love you:)
Your Surrogate Mommy:)
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