
Commercial Drive - The Broken and the Beautiful

Crisp and cold the evening, busy street alive around me. The fruit stand beside the bus stop smells fresh when you get up close. The fallen autumn leaves, left to fend for themselves on the sidewalks, crowd together to watch the show, just as I am. Its an exciting show called Commercial Drive, its cast the very people that walk along it.


I actually quite enjoy the fact it smells like weed tonight as I make my way to Grant Street alone because it reminds me of where I am, this wonderful neighborhood that I live in, full of the broken and the beautiful, and people who vote for the Marijuana Party. I think if Stephen Harper came here many would throw rubber chickens at him. Sorry Stevo, that's just the way it goes.

There are people wearing costumes, Halloween masks, fairy wings, and dominatrixes (if that's a word) everywhere. How ironic that these costumes considered an act of subversion for the rest of the year are perfectly accepted by all in this "frightful" season. I think if you are a dominatrix, you should dress up as a housewife for Halloween instead, cause at least that way you'd truly be out of character for a night - unless of course you were a housewife that was also a dominatrix...getting off track here.

I absolutely love the styles here - the thick layers of colours, ripped material, beaded bags and hats, and an endless stream of funky boots. Once upon a time you would have thought these people were ragamuffins, transients just passing though, but truth be told, most of them are highly intelligent university students getting master's degrees, activists for social justice, or inspired artists who pay hefty rents and own Macs.

You see, on the Drive looks can be deceiving. You never really know how to judge one person from the next when you walk down this vibrant street. It kinda just makes you give up on judging altogether - which is probably a good thing. I like to give in to the feeling I get here, a feeling of humanity and rebellion, the general sense that you know something crucial that the rest of the capitalist-friendly world doesn't, probably stemming from the hundreds of conspiracy theorists wandering in and out of coffee shops posting their convoluted bills.

I think I feel acceptable here, I feel that in all the confusion, searching, and the counterculture undertones, there is a deep honesty. People are not as afraid of seeing things differently or being seen differently, and I only wonder how easy it would be for God to move in people like that, people who are open, accepting, and compassionate by nature.

I believe there is a thin line here between lostness and redemption that most of us are walking like a tightrope - we just don't know it. But I can feel something as I walk alone tonight, on this crisp and cold evening, the busy street alive around me - its the presence of God on Commercial Drive the day before Halloween, and its everywhere, strong and enveloping, even surprising. I feel His hands reaching out, and His soul-penetrating whisper in the air, "I have loved you with an everlasting love". Can they hear it too?

Commercial Drive, I watched the show again tonight, I saw the faces of God's counterculture, lesbian, pot-smoking beloved, still waiting to find their true lover...."hold on", my heart cried, 'He's closer than you realise" in this wonderful neighborhood full of the broken and the beautiful...


Europe or Bust 2006 - picture as promised!

"...Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words hold my hand
In other words, darling kiss me..."
dah dah dum dee dum....love that song...
Okay, back to business.
Hey everyone. As promised yesterday, I am posting our Europe pictures. I made an online photo album and have attached a link to it.


The stethoscope says it all

Okay, so recently I came across quite an interesting phenomenon taking place here at St. Paul's Hospital, or shall I say, on the outskirts of the hospital, and that is that doctors are wearing their stethoscopes everywhere. Fashion statement? I think not.

My good friend, who will not be named here but who has lately had to tolerate a whole plethora of doctors, told me that she misses my blogging. I got to thinking about her and all the doctors, and then I got to thinking about doctors in general, and then I got to thinking about doctors who wear their stethoscopes outside of the hospital, i.e. at Starbucks or Sushi King, and it made me giggle and decide to blog about it.

I was contemplating these public displays of doctorness, and three reasons for previously said act came to mind:

1. The doctors were too busy to take off the stethoscope while making a mad dash from Grandma-with-bad-breast-fungus to non-fat-latte-with-shot-of-ginsing at Starbucks.

2. The doctors (male) are trying to pick up chicks with magical stethoscope of I-am-rich-smart-and-available and, I-know-more-about-your-private-bits-than-you-do.

3. The doctors (female) are asserting themselves as intelligent women in a male-dominated field with magic stethoscope of take-me-seriously-dangit! and, yes-I-am-too-good-for-you-so-don't-bother-asking-for-my-number.

Can't decide between the three to be honest...

Doctors of the world give ear...
If you have a legitimate explanation for why you parade around outside of the hospital with your stethoscopes on like its the newest thing to hit In Style magazine, please, post a comment and explain it to us.


I'm back...sort of

Okay, just so ya'll know, I am back from Europe and I am working and doing laundry and cooking dinner, and all of the regular things I did before I left...except blogging.

I fully intend to post some awe-inspiring stuff VERY soon, but for now my creative juices are, well, in the process of being squeezed.

I am going to post pictures and stories from Europe and much much more.

Don't stop checking up on my blog from time to time because soon you will find what you came for...the wonderfulness that is me.

Ciao for now
